kid talk about being better

My son is so excited for this year 2017. He has so many plans:

  1. to be a better brother
  2. to be more obedient to the elderly
  3. to play and have fun
  4. to finish his homeschool curriculum

While saying this, he asked me as why is it always hard to obey and do better.

I honestly dont know how to explain to a kid why its hard to obey and be better but i tried by telling him this:

“It is hard to do better and obey because we are used to our comfort, doing what’s right and obeying takes courage, discipline and commitment. Courage is like being strong and standing up for yourself knowing that you are on the good side. Discipline is doing the good things you are suppose to do even if you are tired and even if you dont want to do it. Commitment is giving your 100 percent to what your doing, not 90 percent but 100 percent. Just like when you tell me, you like a certain toy 100 percent.”

son: that is really hard, sometimes my body and mind wants me to do wrong even if i know its wrong. I cant control it.

i: i know that’s why you have to practice while you are a kid so that it is easy when you grow up. When your a grown up, there are so many rules and obeying that you need to follow.

son: im glad im not a grown up yet, so many things to think about. Oh, as long as the earth continues to rotate, i cant stop growing up. Soon its gonna be 2018 then 2019 then 2020..oh no..

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